High-Energy Transients and Relativistic Plasma Physics
Select publications
- E. R. Most, A. A. Philippov. Reconnection-powered fast radio transients from coalescing neutron star binaries. Phys. Rev. Lett., 130, 245201, 2023.
- E. R. Most and E. Quataert. Flares, jets and quasi-periodic outbursts from neutron star merger remnants. Astrophys. J. Lett., 947 L15, 2023.
- E. R. Most and A. A. Philippov. Electromagnetic Precursors to Black Hole–Neutron Star Gravitational Wave Events: Flares and Reconnection-powered Fast Radio Transients from the Late Inspiral. Astrophys. J. Lett., 956 L33. 2023.
- E. R. Most, J. Noronha, A. A. Philippov. Modeling general-relativistic plasmas with collisionless moments and dissipative two-fluid magnetohydrodynamics. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 514, 4, 4989–5003, 2022.
- E. R. Most, A. A. Philippov. Electromagnetic precursor flares from the late inspiral of neutron star binaries. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 515, 2, 2710–2724, 2022.
- E. R. Most and A. A. Philippov. Electromagnetic precursors to gravitational wave events: Numerical simulations of flaring in pre-merger binary neutron star magnetospheres. Astrophys. J. Lett., 893, L6, 2020.
- E. R. Most, A. Nathanail, L. Rezzolla. Electromagnetic Emission from Blitzars and Its Impact on Non-repeating Fast Radio Bursts. Astrophys. J., 864:117, 2018.
- A. Nathanail, E. R. Most, and L. Rezzolla. Gravitational collapse to a Kerr-Newman black hole. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 469:L31–L35, 2017.
Gravitational Waves and Nuclear Astrophysics
Select publications
- E. R. Most, L. R. Weih, L. Rezzolla, and J. Schaffner-Bielich. New Constraints on Radii and Tidal Deformabilities of Neutron Stars from GW170817.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 120(26):261103, 2018. - E. R. Most, L. J. Papenfort, V. Dexheimer, M. Hanauske, S. Schramm, H. Stöcker, and L. Rezzolla. Signatures of Quark-Hadron Phase Transitions in General-Relativistic Neutron-Star Mergers. Phys. Rev. Lett., 122:061101, 2019.
- E. R. Most, L. J. Papenfort, L. R. Weih, L. Rezzolla. A lower bound on the maximum mass if the secondary in GW190814 was once a rapidly spinning neutron star. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. Lett., 499 (1), L82-L86, 2020.
- E. R. Most, A. Haber, S.P. Harris, Z. Zhang, M.G. Alford, J. Noronha. Emergence of Microphysical Bulk Viscosity in Binary Neutron Star Postmerger Dynamics. Astrophys. J. Lett, 967, L14, 2024.
- C. A. Raithel, E. R. Most. Degeneracy in the inference of phase transitions in the neutron star equation of state from gravitational wave data. Phys. Rev. Lett., 130, 201403, 2023.
- E. R. Most, A. Motornenko, J. Steinheimer, V. Dexheimer, M. Hanauske, L. Rezzolla, H. Stoecker. Probing neutron-star matter in the lab: Similarities and differences between binary mergers and heavy-ion collisions. Phys. Rev. D, 107 4, 043034, 2023.
- E. R. Most, S. P. Harris, C. Plumberg, M. G. Alford, J. Noronha, J. Noronha-Hostler, F. Pretorius, H. Witek, N. Yunes. Projecting the likely importance of weak-interaction-driven bulk viscosity in neutron star mergers. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 509 (1), 1096–1108, 2022.
- C. A. Raithel, E. R. Most. Characterizing the breakdown of quasi-universality in the post-merger gravitational waves from binary neutron star mergers. Astrophys. J. Lett., 933:L39, 2022.
Numerical Relativity and Relativistic Fluids
Select publications
- E. R. Most. Impact of a mean field dynamo on neutron star mergers leading to magnetar remnants, Physical Review D, 108, 123012 (2023).
- E. R. Most, J. Noronha. Dissipative magnetohydrodynamics for nonresistive relativistic plasmas: An implicit second-order flux-conservative formulation with stiff relaxation, Physical Review D, 104, 10, 103028 (2021).
- E. R. Most, L. J. Papenfort, and L. Rezzolla. Beyond second-order convergence in simulations of magnetised binary neutron stars with realistic microphysics. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 490:3588–3600, 2019.
- E. R. Most, L. J. Papenfort, S. Tootle, L. Rezzolla. On accretion disks formed in MHD simulations of black hole-neutron star mergers with accurate microphysics. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 506 (3), 3511–3526, 2021.
- E. R. Most, L. J. Papenfort, S. Tootle, L. Rezzolla. Fast ejecta as a potential way to distinguish black holes from neutron stars in high-mass gravitational-wave events. Astrophys. J., 912:1, 80, 2021.
- A. Hegade K.R., E. R. Most, J. Noronha, H. Witek, N. Yunes. How Do Axisymmetric Black Holes Grow Monopole and Dipole Hair? Phys. Rev. D, 107, 10, 104047, 2023.
- H. Olivares, I. Peshkov, E. R. Most, F. Guercilena, L. J. Papenfort. A new first-order formulation of the Einstein equations exploiting analogies with electrodynamics. Phys. Rev. D., 105 12, 124038, 2022.